Friday, January 9, 2015

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign!- January 2015

January 2015

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here.
In my office you may have noticed there are a number signs on the walls. I put them there to help my patients understand what chiropractic is and why I do what I do. Take for instance the sign just inside the front door that says "Try Chiropractic First". If people would do what the sign says, they would most likely save time and money.

Let me give you an example:
People have frequently told me horror stories when they seek medical care for simple health problems. Like the mother who took her 15 year-old daughter to her family MD for re-occurring headaches. The MD examined and x-rayed her saying "I don't see anything wrong but we should get a CT-scan to be sure." He then gave her pain medication. After the scan was completed she had a return visit and was told "The scan was normal". After two weeks the girl's headaches continued, despite the medication which made her nauseous and sleepy. She was scheduled for a specialist appointment and more tests. Finally the mother brought the girl to my office for a check. She had three cervical spine adjustments over a week. The mother called telling me that her daughter's pain was gone. She then cancelled the specialist and test appointments. Numerous appointments with much waiting and thousands of dollars spent when all she needed to do was...TRY CHIROPRACTIC FIRST!

I have several posters which describe the subluxation complex. This is when a bone is displaced from its normal position. That misalignment can cause a cascade of symptoms from pain, spasm, tingling, numbness, weakness, swelling, inflammation and weakness. Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to detect and correct this physical condition. If left uncorrected, this subluxation can eventually cause degeneration of the bones, which is arthritis, which is permanent. Don't let something that is easily corrected become permanent and difficult to treat.

In order to help my patient's understand what is going on in their bodies, I have put up anatomy posters showing the most common musculo-skeletal problems. I also take the time to explain what is likely happening and how to treat it. There is a poster which says "Cause & Effect" showing the many conditions which can be effected by spinal subluxations.

I have one particular sign which gets many comments. It says "Five Dangerous Words:
Maybe it will go away!"

So before it gets worse,
more expensive and harder to treat
give me a call I'm here to help.
That's what I love to do
help people get out of pain.
“Because nobody has time for pain!”
Dr. Michael Norris

HEALTH TIP: Eating Clean
OK I have officially jumped on the bandwagon of those eating "clean" diets. These diets promote no artificial, processed or junk food. Also no dairy, grains or sugar. Thankfully you can eat meat, fish and eggs...even bacon! If interested there are many websites you can visit. Check out: Whole30, Paleodiet and Skinnytaste. I will keep you posted on my progress.

“It is better to be fit as a fiddle than tight as a drum.” 
~ B.J. Palmer, A founding father of Chiropractic.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.