Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Resolutions for the New Year

Resolutions for the New Year
January 2013

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here.

Every January millions of Americans make a promise to improve their lives.  Most resolutions involve improving health such as: eating better, losing weight and working-out more.  How many of these promises are kept?  Not many.

For almost 20 years now I've been swimming three times a week at Eastside pool in Lancaster.  The pool will be packed for the next three weeks.  By the middle of February the lanes will be empty.  I'm sure you have noticed this if you workout at a gym.  Because of this I would like to offer you a few short term, easy-to- keep resolutions which may encourage you... instead of disappointing you.
First, the shorter the time involved the more likely we are to keep to a resolution.  Given this fact these recommendations are short-term.  If you notice benefits hopefully you will want and be able to continue.

#1.  A 3 Day Detox: As I mentioned above many of us want to eat better.  A short detox diet can help to jumpstart better eating habits.
Here is the 3-day-detox plan:        
  • You can eat as much uncooked fruit, melon and vegetables as you want.Except for corn, potatoes and avocados.
  • Fruit smoothies and salads are your friend. 
  • You can make a dressing of vinegar, citrus juice and spices.  As a last resort you can use a non-calorie dressing. 
  • The uncooked food will help cleanse your system. 
  • No carbs, meat, dairy, sugar or fat/oil of any kind. 
  • You can drink 100% vegetable juice, black coffee or tea and at least 2 liters of purified water to flush out your system. 
  • If you have blood sugar issues, a small glass of fruit juice should help. 
After 3 days you should be lighter and healthier. Just go easy on the pancakes.

#2.  Start Moving.  Statistics show the healthiest people do some kind of exercise.  Walking, golf, swimming, jogging, cycling and aerobics classes are all good options.  Ideally the activity should be done 30-45 min. 3-5 times per week.  The simplest and most functional activity is walking. Commit to walking for at least one week.  After a week see how it goes, grab a friend and move it, move it, move it!

#3. Don't Worry, Be Happy.  With the way things are going politically, socially and economically it is easy to be depressed.  But make no mistake about it stress and worry can have negative physical effects on people.  Our immune system is depressed when we are depressed.  It has been said that complaining involves the past, self-pity involves the present and worry involves the future.  With that said take one day at a time... let the past go, enjoy the present and prepare for the future.  For one week keep a journal and write down the things that you are most thankful for that day or what good things happened.  Then read the previous entries each day.  Even if you are not happy seeing the good things in your life will help you see why you should be happy and hopefully help you act like you are happy... it may become a habit.

#4. Get Something Done.  Many of us feel like we never get things done and that can produce a sense of frustration.  Pick the one thing that you really want to get done... a task which you can and will finish within one week.  Then just get it done.  You will feel empowered and motivated to do more.
For me it's finishing the book I started 4 months ago... only 50 pages to go!
I wish you a healthy and happy new year.
If you or someone you care about is suffering with a painful condition have them call me and I will give them a complimentary consultation to see if chiropractic care can help.
“Because nobody has time for pain!”
Dr. Michael Norris

Health Update:
Why Does My Back Hurt?
An activity requiring long periods of sitting, standing or repetitive bending and lifting can lead to back pain.  With regular chiropractic care, proper stretching, massage therapy and good activity habits, you can decrease your risk of back pain.
Call Dr. Norris for a consultation today. (661) 435-7237
Quote Of The Month:

“Diseases are penalties we pay for from over indulgence, or from our neglect of the means of health.”  
~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton