Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What Are You Thankful For?- November 2016

November 2016

Hi everybody, Dr. Norris here.

It's the time of year when we Americans stop and think about what we are thankful for.
It may be our family, our friends or our financial status. These are all good things to be grateful for.  I've had some health challenges this summer requiring intervention and recuperation,
so understandably, I'm very thankful for the doctors, nurses and caregivers who helped me in a time of need. I'm also thankful for my friends and patients who were concerned and prayed for me. Finally I'm extremely thankful for Cindy, my wife, and Amanda, my daughter, who have been with me every step of the way. It has been said that our health is one of the most important things we have.
Often we take it for granted until it is threatened. Don't do that, rejoice every day you have and be thankful for them.


When soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) that is injured or inflamed finally heals, the result is scar tissue adhesions. For example a strained muscle will usually heal in about a month, but that injured muscle develops scarring which has a different character than normal muscle. It does not contract like normal muscle. It has more nerve endings and therefore pain that normal muscle does not. There is less circulation in scar tissue. Simply said, these adhesions are painful, non-elastic and do not function normally. Muscle strains, joint sprains, inflammation of various soft tissues and even surgical scars will heal, but they can still cause symptoms.

So what can be done about this? The earlier treatment is started on scar tissue the better the results. Massage techniques, therapy modalities, stretching and soft tissue manipulation have all shown to reduce scarring and normalize tissue. I recently purchased a high speed vibro-massage device called Rapid Release. It is used for treating spasms, tendonitis, adhesions, nerve entrapment, contracted muscles and many other painful conditions. The treatment is quick and painless.
Let me know if I can help.
As always if you or someone you care about is in pain or having a health issue,
have them call for a consultation.That's what I love to do, help people.

“Because nobody has time for pain!”
Dr. Michael Norris

Go Easy On Energy Drinks.

Most of us have consumed energy drinks at one point or another, either because of a looming deadline or during a late night out. Although energy drinks are often perceived as harmless, a new case report links the beverages to acute liver damage, after a previously healthy man developed hepatitis from consuming too many. He consumed 3-4 per day for 3 weeks and developed acute hepatitis requiring hospitalization. So take it easy!

During my recent surgical pre-op, I overheard the nurse ask a neighboring patient, 
"Are you diabetic?" The older gentleman stated flatly "No. I'm Irish!"
Thank you sir...this lightened my mood a great deal.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Managing Vs. Curing- September 2016

September 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here.

This month's newsletter is a repeat from several years ago.

Most of the patients I see in my practice have some kind of painful condition. The pain is what prompts them to call for an appointment. When they come in   I evaluate them and determine a diagnosis based on their symptoms, the examination findings and my clinical experience. Once I tell them what the diagnosis is their next question is usually "How can I cure it?" Some conditions if treated properly will fully resolve and never come back. Problems like a strained muscle, inflamed tendon or bruised soft tissue can be cured.

But unfortunately some conditions even if treated with the best possible health care will not go away. Chronic diseases such as arthritis, disc degeneration and scar tissue can't be cured, but they can be managed. What I mean is the pain and symptoms can be reduced and sometimes even removed for awhile, but they will return at sometime in the future.

Let me give you an example. I injured my low back years ago while playing football. Yes even doctors have pain and no, I did not play with a leather helmet. Because of my injury I now have spinal arthritis also known as spondylosis. Most of the time, the things I do, don't cause me pain, but every now and then I do something that causes a flare-up. Some care helps me through the painful episode and after awhile it calms down. Will it come back again? Yes, because eventually I will overdo it again. So what can we do to reduce the number of flare-ups and what can we do when the condition is aggravated?

Assess what activities cause your condition to become symptomatic and limit those activities. As we get older just about any prolonged posture can cause pain. Take driving for instance. Instead of driving straight through to your destination, stop every 1-2 hours and walk around a bit. Does yard work or housework bother you? Just go at it easier and allow for rest periods.

Improving strength and flexibility will make your flare-ups less severe and shorter in length. You don't have to go crazy with hours of pumping iron or running a marathon. Simple stretches and a leisurely walk will do wonders for your body. Find an exercise routine that works for you and your lifestyle and just do it.

Being proactive with regular chiropractic care and other measures such as massage therapy will lessen your inevitable flare-up. At the first sign of symptoms... get treatment. Because after thirty-five years of providing care for painful conditions I can assure you the longer you wait... the longer it takes to get relief. Well I hope this advice is helpful to you. Feel free to ask me about any questions you may have.
As always if you or someone you care about is in pain or having a health issue, 
have them call for a consultation. That's what I love to do, help people.

“Because nobody has time for pain!”

Dr. Michael Norris

Don't Forget These Foods

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating neurological condition in which car keys can become perpetually lost and the dearest loved ones can turn into strangers. Researchers at the American Academy of Neurology in search of an elusive cure, have identified a number of powerful foods that could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Berries, salmon, olive oil, spinach, maple syrup and beets. So eat up.

"So many people spend their health gaining wealth,
then have to spend their wealth to regain their health."
A. J. Materi

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.