Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas Trivia Time- Decemeber 2016

December 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here,
It's time for my annual Christmas trivia quiz. Have fun!

  1. In the song "Jingle Bells" who was seated by my side?
  2. This famous hotel magnate was born  December 25, 1887?
  3. This singer/songwriter was also born on Christmas day 1946? hint... he loves margaritas!
  4. Which country created eggnog?
  5. This state has the "World's Tallest Living Christmas Tree"?
  6. After Joseph, Mary and Jesus left Bethlehem, they went to what country?
  7. In "Jingle Bell Rock" everyone is dancing & prancing.Where do they do it?
  8. The movie "It's a Wonderful Life" takes place in what city?
  9. In "A Charlie Brown Christmas,: what does Lucy want for Christmas?
  10. What river did General Washington cross on December 25, 1776?

How did you do?  The answers are at the end of this December newsletter.

8-10 correct - you are a true Christmas Elf
5-7 correct - you are an average holiday fan
3-4 correct - you need to put your phone down and concentrate
0-2 correct - you are Scrooge!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As always, if you or someone you care about
is in pain or having a health issue,
have them call for a consultation.
That's what I love to do, help people.

“Because nobody has time for pain!”
Dr. Michael Norris

Spice Up Your Diet

Studies from Japan show that eating a red pepper-spiced meal
may boost metabolism up to 30 percent.
Reuters, July 2006

Even though we're a week and a half away from Thanksgiving,
it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 
~Richard Roeper

Quiz Answers:
  1. Miss Fannie Bright
  2. Conrad Hilton
  3. Jimmy Buffett
  4. England
  5. California
  6. Egypt
  7. Jingle Bell Square
  8. Bedford Falls
  9. Real Estate
  10. Delaware 

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What Are You Thankful For?- November 2016

November 2016

Hi everybody, Dr. Norris here.

It's the time of year when we Americans stop and think about what we are thankful for.
It may be our family, our friends or our financial status. These are all good things to be grateful for.  I've had some health challenges this summer requiring intervention and recuperation,
so understandably, I'm very thankful for the doctors, nurses and caregivers who helped me in a time of need. I'm also thankful for my friends and patients who were concerned and prayed for me. Finally I'm extremely thankful for Cindy, my wife, and Amanda, my daughter, who have been with me every step of the way. It has been said that our health is one of the most important things we have.
Often we take it for granted until it is threatened. Don't do that, rejoice every day you have and be thankful for them.


When soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) that is injured or inflamed finally heals, the result is scar tissue adhesions. For example a strained muscle will usually heal in about a month, but that injured muscle develops scarring which has a different character than normal muscle. It does not contract like normal muscle. It has more nerve endings and therefore pain that normal muscle does not. There is less circulation in scar tissue. Simply said, these adhesions are painful, non-elastic and do not function normally. Muscle strains, joint sprains, inflammation of various soft tissues and even surgical scars will heal, but they can still cause symptoms.

So what can be done about this? The earlier treatment is started on scar tissue the better the results. Massage techniques, therapy modalities, stretching and soft tissue manipulation have all shown to reduce scarring and normalize tissue. I recently purchased a high speed vibro-massage device called Rapid Release. It is used for treating spasms, tendonitis, adhesions, nerve entrapment, contracted muscles and many other painful conditions. The treatment is quick and painless.
Let me know if I can help.
As always if you or someone you care about is in pain or having a health issue,
have them call for a consultation.That's what I love to do, help people.

“Because nobody has time for pain!”
Dr. Michael Norris

Go Easy On Energy Drinks.

Most of us have consumed energy drinks at one point or another, either because of a looming deadline or during a late night out. Although energy drinks are often perceived as harmless, a new case report links the beverages to acute liver damage, after a previously healthy man developed hepatitis from consuming too many. He consumed 3-4 per day for 3 weeks and developed acute hepatitis requiring hospitalization. So take it easy!

During my recent surgical pre-op, I overheard the nurse ask a neighboring patient, 
"Are you diabetic?" The older gentleman stated flatly "No. I'm Irish!"
Thank you sir...this lightened my mood a great deal.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Managing Vs. Curing- September 2016

September 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here.

This month's newsletter is a repeat from several years ago.

Most of the patients I see in my practice have some kind of painful condition. The pain is what prompts them to call for an appointment. When they come in   I evaluate them and determine a diagnosis based on their symptoms, the examination findings and my clinical experience. Once I tell them what the diagnosis is their next question is usually "How can I cure it?" Some conditions if treated properly will fully resolve and never come back. Problems like a strained muscle, inflamed tendon or bruised soft tissue can be cured.

But unfortunately some conditions even if treated with the best possible health care will not go away. Chronic diseases such as arthritis, disc degeneration and scar tissue can't be cured, but they can be managed. What I mean is the pain and symptoms can be reduced and sometimes even removed for awhile, but they will return at sometime in the future.

Let me give you an example. I injured my low back years ago while playing football. Yes even doctors have pain and no, I did not play with a leather helmet. Because of my injury I now have spinal arthritis also known as spondylosis. Most of the time, the things I do, don't cause me pain, but every now and then I do something that causes a flare-up. Some care helps me through the painful episode and after awhile it calms down. Will it come back again? Yes, because eventually I will overdo it again. So what can we do to reduce the number of flare-ups and what can we do when the condition is aggravated?

Assess what activities cause your condition to become symptomatic and limit those activities. As we get older just about any prolonged posture can cause pain. Take driving for instance. Instead of driving straight through to your destination, stop every 1-2 hours and walk around a bit. Does yard work or housework bother you? Just go at it easier and allow for rest periods.

Improving strength and flexibility will make your flare-ups less severe and shorter in length. You don't have to go crazy with hours of pumping iron or running a marathon. Simple stretches and a leisurely walk will do wonders for your body. Find an exercise routine that works for you and your lifestyle and just do it.

Being proactive with regular chiropractic care and other measures such as massage therapy will lessen your inevitable flare-up. At the first sign of symptoms... get treatment. Because after thirty-five years of providing care for painful conditions I can assure you the longer you wait... the longer it takes to get relief. Well I hope this advice is helpful to you. Feel free to ask me about any questions you may have.
As always if you or someone you care about is in pain or having a health issue, 
have them call for a consultation. That's what I love to do, help people.

“Because nobody has time for pain!”

Dr. Michael Norris

Don't Forget These Foods

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating neurological condition in which car keys can become perpetually lost and the dearest loved ones can turn into strangers. Researchers at the American Academy of Neurology in search of an elusive cure, have identified a number of powerful foods that could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Berries, salmon, olive oil, spinach, maple syrup and beets. So eat up.

"So many people spend their health gaining wealth,
then have to spend their wealth to regain their health."
A. J. Materi

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My! How the Time Flies-August 2016

August 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here,
I just celebrated my 62nd birthday. As the title of this newsletter says, "My! How the time flies."
You would think in all my years I would have figured out most things by now... wrong.
Here is a list of some unanswered questions!

  • I never found out who let the dogs out
  • The way to get to Sesame Street
  • Why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps
  • Why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"
  • Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed
  • Why "abbreviated" is such a long word
  • Why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons
  • Why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections
  • Why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts" where's that extra penny going to
  • Why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune
  • Why did you just try to sing those two previous songs
  • And just what is Victoria's secret?
  • And do you really think I am this witty??
I actually stole this from someone who posted it online. Now it is your turn to steal it from me.

Norris Chiropractic Is Fighting Inflation

The cost of healthcare continues to soar. Insurance premiums are up 13%.
Medical procedures are up 9% and drugs cost up 10% to 20% from over 2014 prices.
In my office the cost for a cash office visit has remained the same since 2011. I will hold out as long as I can from raising costs so you can benefit from chiropractic care. Please tell your friends, family and all those you love that chiropractic works.

"Because Nobody Has Time For Pain!"

Dr. Michael Norris

Frigid Forearms

A cool shower can help on a hot day, but if that’s not accessible maybe just dunk your arms in cold water. In response to cold, your blood vessels constrict, which means less blood is getting chilled. But research suggests people can override this reflex by cooling only some parts of their bodies. A 2013 review looked at various extremities and found that submerging arms up to the elbow in cool water is the most effective method for dropping body temperature. A study of this technique during Army training found that it reduced the severity of heat illnesses during arduous work days.

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."  ~Mahatma Gandhi

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Starfish Story- July 2016

July 2016

Hi Everybody, Dr. Norris here,

I recently came across this story which I had shared several years ago in one of my newsletters. Here it is again...I hope you enjoy it.

“The Starfish Story”
Once upon a time there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore when he saw a human figure moving along the beach. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man that was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?”
The young man looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish in the ocean.”
The wise man said "What?"
“The sun is up and the tide is going out, and if I don't throw them in they'll die.”
“But, young man, don't you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it.
You can't possibly make a difference.”

The young man listened politely. Then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said “For this one, It made all the difference in the world!”

I remember reading that story, for the first time, many, many moons ago; I thought about that story many times as I was going through school. Every time I had to stay up all night studying, I would think of that story & why I was there. It made the sacrifice and lack of sleep clearly worth it.

The morning of my state board exams, I vividly remember waiting to take the test, with bags under my eyes, thinking about that story.  It was still worth it. After I passed the exam with flying colors, I started throwing starfish back into the ocean... one by one. Not literally starfish of course, but helping suffering people get out of pain. It was exciting helping so many people.  More exciting than I ever thought it could possibly be.

As the days turn into months and the months into years, most people grow tired of their job or “career”. Most can't wait to go home every day and eventually retire. Well, that never happened to me. I'm as excited today as the day I entered Chiropractic school.

Not too many people can say that & I owe it all to you. I honestly feel blessed to have such a group of patients that make intelligent decisions about their health. You also understand healing and fixing the real cause of your problem can take time. You've been a loyal chiropractic patient and are reaping the benefits, now and later in life. You finish what you start and your spine, muscles and nervous system will be healthier and younger because of it. Yep, you've made my practice a wonderful place to be and I want you to always feel I am your Chiropractor.  Even if we don't see each other for a while,
I want you to always know your welcome and I'll be happy to see you.  I'll always be here to help you.
I'm glad you're one of my starfish!
Dr. Michael Norris

Avoid Opiates At All Costs

Music fans worldwide were still mourning the death of iconic rock star Prince at age 57, when the tragedy was compounded by news that it was due to an opioid overdose. Medical Examiners announced that an autopsy had determined that Prince's death was an accident caused by fentanyl toxicity, a prescription opioid drug used to treat severe pain, carries a high risk for addiction and dependence; Prince was reportedly taking it for hip pain.

The U.S. is in the midst of an epidemic of opioid overdoses. Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S., according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and in 2014, 40 percent of the 47,055 fatal drug overdoses that occurred were related to prescription pain relievers. In fact, 78 people in the U.S. die every day from an opioid overdose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
Charles R. Swindoll

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another

Friday, June 24, 2016

Working Out Problems- June 2016

June 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here,

How we deal with adversity says a lot about us and our character. Working out problems and finding the right way to respond is a challenge.
I found this story online about dealing with problems... I hope you enjoy it.

Many years ago, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer’s beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the farmer’s debt if he could marry his daughter.

Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag.

If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven. If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. If she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer’s field. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.

Take a moment to ponder this. What would you recommend that the girl do?

The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

“Oh, how clumsy of me!” she said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.”

The moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty. The girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one. Most problems do have a solution, sometimes we just need to think in a different way.

Dealing with pain can be a challenge.
What is the best remedy? Can I afford it? Who do I trust for advice?

I am always available for advice regarding painful conditions. I promise to give it to you honestly and without an agenda. We appreciate your patronage and will continue to provide quality affordable health care to the Antelope Valley.

Dr. Michael Norris

Not All Fats Are Created Equal
There are good fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels, and reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. These include: avocados, olives, nuts and seeds. And then, there are bad fats, like saturated and trans fat, which can put you at greater risk for heart disease. These include: fatty meats, fast food and margarine. So eat the good fat, not the bad.

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease
is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients,
nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.”  ~
Mike Adams

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Why Norris Chiropractic-May 2016

May 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris here,

I was recently driving around the valley running some errands, when I noticed how many chiropractic offices there are in the Antelope Valley now. When I moved here in 1985 there were about 8 offices here. In Palmdale, there were 3 offices; and in Lancaster,   5 offices.  Now there are approximately 40 offices, valley wide.

My patients are loyal despite having many options from which to choose. You have blessed me and my family by trusting us with your health care. I appreciate it more than you will ever know

With that said, what separates my practice from those other 39 offices?
Well let me give you three distinctive differences.

While there are many excellent doctors of chiropractic in town, my 35+ years of experience in helping people with painful conditions gives me an advantage.
My experience in athletic training, sports medicine and injury rehabilitation allows me to provide a wide range of services not usually associated with chiropractic care.  In addition I am a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) trained in evaluating Worker's Compensation cases.  During my career I have provided care for high school, collegiate, Olympic and professional athletes as well as thousands of patients seeking relief from pain.

Even though I am a doctor... I am also a patient.  When I go to the doctor there are several things that frustrate me:  trying to get an appointment, doing paperwork and waiting forever to see someone.
So when I opened my current office, I vowed to change things.  In my office you can usually get a same day appointment.  The paperwork is minimal and I don't over book, which keeps your wait short.  There are chiropractic offices in town that have a normal wait time of 30-45 minutes.
At Norris Chiropractic we understand that your time  is valuable.  Most patients are in and out
within a few minutes.

In the Antelope Valley fees for some chiropractic services are as high as $120 a visit.  Because my overhead is low I can offer my office visit for $30.  There are some offices which may offer prices in this range but they demand a prepay plan making you sign-up for multiple visits.  In my office you come in when you need to or want to.  No hard sell.
We also accept many insurance plans including Kaiser, Blue Cross Anthem, Blue Shield and Aetna.

Thank you for choosing Norris Chiropractic.
We appreciate your patronage and will continue to provide quality, affordable health care to the Antelope Valley.

Dr. Michael Norris

HEALTH TIP: Magic Berry
Blueberries have more antioxidants—those magical molecules that can help prevent a host of maladies—than 40 other common fruits and vegetables. The antioxidant plant pigments that make blueberries blue, guard against heart disease, cancer, and age-related blindness and memory loss. They’re also tops when it comes to preventing urinary tract infections, thanks to the antioxidant epicatechins, which keep bacteria from sticking to bladder walls.

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds
if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”
Doug Larson

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The History of Chiropractic- April 2016

April 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here,

Spring has sprung and the days are getting warmer. As the temperatures increase people tend to be more active. If you or someone you care about overdoes it and is in pain, please contact me because I may be able to help with advice or treatment.
Remember "Nobody has time for pain!"

The Art and Science Of Chiropractic

Manipulation of the spine has been performed for thousands of years. Ancient writings indicate the Chinese and Greeks were moving spinal vertebrae to relieve pain approximately 2,000 years ago. During the medieval period "bone setters" used crude methods to reset bones and joints.

In 1895 David Palmer a natural healer in Iowa began to experiment with specifically administered maneuvers designed to restore misaligned joints to their proper position and function. His patients reported amazing results with the treatments. Within months hundreds of people began to seek-out Dr. Palmer. He called the technique Chiropractic, in Latin for "chiro-" hand, "-practic" practitioner or "A doctor who uses his hands." Soon Dr. Palmer was teaching his techniques and the Palmer College of Chiropractic was incorporated.

Through the 1950's Chiropractic was considered non-scientific. Nevertheless millions of patients were reporting remarkable results. Doctors of Chiropractic were often the last resort for people who had suffered without relief using typical medical treatment and medication. Because of this success the American Medical Association sought to destroy the chiropractic profession and began a massive smear campaign. In 1987, a Superior court ruled that the AMA had violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and that it had engaged in an unlawful conspiracy in restraint of trade "to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession." (Wilkv. American Medical Ass'n. 1987).  The court further stated that the "AMA had entered into a long history of illegal behavior".  It then issued a permanent injunction against the AMA to prevent such future behavior.

Subsequent scientific research has shown that restoring proper alignment of joints by using a specifically applied "adjustment" helps restore joint, nerve and muscle function which results in less pain, reduced spasm and increased mobility. In 35+ years of practice I have been fortunate by being able to help thousands of patients. I thank you for being one of those patients and thank Dr. Palmer for starting the Chiropractic profession.

Dr. Michael Norris

Why Water Intake?

We all know that water is essential for life, but have you ever wondered why your body needs so much replenishing? Water is crucial for the body's everyday biological functions. The majority of the human body is made up of water: We rely on it to lubricate our joints, regulate temperature and to care for the brain and spinal cord. Without enough water, we'd be dry, unfocused, unenergized and creaky.

On average, we lose two to three liters of water a day, through sweat, breath, urine and bowel movements. To compensate, we've got to rehydrate. While past guidance has suggested we drink approximately eight glasses a day, new recommendations say we should drink anywhere from 2 to 3.7 liters (8.4 to 15.6 cups) daily, depending on a person's sex, weight, health and environment.

“Have you noticed that the man
who is not willing to fix himself is the one
who wants the most laws passed to fix others?”
David Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

I Love My Patients- March 2016

March 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here,

During the last 30+ years of my career treating patients I've had the privilege of seeing thousands of people and helping them with painful conditions. I love all my patients, but there are several which in particular come to mind. Here are some of the most memorable.

"I'm ready."
Early in my career as an Athletic Trainer I was working at Santa Ana College. One of our best players broke his leg in football practice. He was sent to our team doctor who put a cast on the player’s leg. The next day the player shows up for practice without the cast and says "I'm ready to go." I asked, "Where is the cast?" The linebacker proceeded to tell me he soaked it in the bathtub and cut it off with a knife. Needless to say he didn't play that week.

"It's All In Her Head."
A woman brought her teenage daughter to me who had been suffering from headaches for several months. The mother was frustrated because she had taken her daughter to her primary physician, a neurologist and a pain specialist. X-rays, CT scans and multiple medications had not helped the girl. Finally they told the mom there is nothing wrong. In other words: "It's all in her head."  After I evaluated the girl for several minutes it was clear she had vertebral misalignments in her neck. I told the mom that this was likely the cause of her headaches. The mom was skeptical but gave permission to try several adjustments. After the first treatment there was some relief. After the second treatment, about 75% improvement. By the third treatment the young girl was pain free.
In other words: "It's was all in her neck."

"I'm Scheduled For Surgery."
I saw a fellow one day for chronic low back pain. He had degenerative disc disease which was irritating a nerve causing constant pain into his leg. He told me I was his last chance before having spine surgery. I advised him to be patient and stay compliant with my recommendations. After five treatments, home exercises and lifestyle changes the guy was significantly better. He cancelled the surgery and has been seeing me on and off for years.

While medical care and medications can be beneficial and life saving, they often have serious side effects and can't cure every patient. My suggestion is TRY A NATURAL SOLUTION FIRST.
Chiropractic care, massage therapy and supplements are inexpensive and safe. If you or someone you care about is suffering I may be able to help.
"Because you don't have time for pain."
Dr. Michael Norris

HEALTH TIP: Chiropractic For Headaches
"Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is an effective treatment for tension headaches. Patients who received SMT experienced a sustained therapeutic benefit in contrast to the patients that received medication." Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, 1995

“Appearance of disease is as swift as an arrow; its disappearance is slow, like a turtle.”
Chinese Proverb

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Some Random Thoughts- February 2016

February 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here,
For those of you who have already given up on your New Year's Resolutions take heart.  Most people last about 3 weeks. I swim several times per week over at East Side Pool. Right after the New Year the pool is packed. This week it is back the normal amount of people. Here are several good quotes about good intentions.
  • "A balanced diet is having a cupcake in each hand."
  • “If you can't go to the gym... go to McDonalds, the cashier is named Jim... it's kind of the same."
  • "I decided I will never get down to my original weight... 8 lbs 6 oz is unrealistic." 
Keep it simple. Eat more plants and keep moving.

Sciatic Nerve Symptoms
One of the most common conditions I treat is sciatic nerve pain. Pain down the back of the leg, side of the leg or into and around the buttocks is usually caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve. The irritation is often a misalignment of the pelvis or lower back. Pain therapy, massage, stretching exercises and chiropractic adjustments are the best and safest way to manage this condition. Let me know if you or someone you care about is suffering from this health issue... I can help.

Super Bowl Athletic Trainers
Some of you may know that before I became a Doctor of Chiropractic I was an Athletic Trainer at the high school, community college and university levels. It was a wonderful profession; helping athletes to rehabilitate from injuries and perform better at their best was very gratifying. I was able to work as a medical coordinator for the 1984 Olympic Games. My wife, Cindy, who is also an athletic trainer, and I were able to cover many events including the opening ceremonies, water-polo gold-medal game and the decathlon. Athletic trainers are the unsung heroes of sports. So when you watch the Super Bowl game look for the people who run onto the field and help the injured players off the field…and realize there is no game if the players can't play!
Because even Broncos and Panthers
don't have time for pain!

Dr. Michael Norris

Remember These Five Dangerous Words:
Maybe It Will Go Away.
There is a direct response to how well a person responds to treatment and how soon the receive treatment. Delaying care often means the condition becomes chronic. And chronic health conditions mean longer more costly treatments and slower healing. So I recommend getting care AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

“It’s true that laughter really is cheap medicine. It’s a prescription anyone can afford.
And best of all, you can fill it right now.”
Steve Goodier

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Friday, January 8, 2016

A New Year: 2016- January 2016

A NEW YEAR: 2016
January 2016

Hi Everybody Dr. Norris Here,

I hope you had a great holiday season. I did a bit of travel to see family. But I did manage to take some much needed time off. Last year was good for Norris Chiropractic. We saw almost 200 new patients and were able to help a lot of people with painful conditions. This year I will continue to provide quality affordable health care.

As to New Year’s resolutions, I am keeping it simple. I resolve to eat more plants, keep moving and make it to 2017. Here is an interesting story.

Doing The Right Thing

One of the most common resolutions is to improve oneself.  Eating better, exercising, more sleep or perhaps relaxing more is your thing. Ever wonder what would happen if you tried to follow every health rule ever written?

What if you genuinely spent a year learning and living by the advice of every diet and workout plan you could find? Author AJ Jacobs decided to give it a try.  His previous endeavors include: Spending a year living biblically and following every rule mentioned in the Bible. He became a single woman for awhile to investigate dating. He’s also the Editor at Large of Esquire magazine and an author who has published several books about his experiments. So he was serious with this “abide by every health rule” experiment.

He experimented with near starvation, radical diets, numerous exercise routines, endurance races, and more. His conclusion was this: You’ve got to be very careful about who you listen to.

During his experiment, he met people who told him all kinds of bizarre things, including the idea that you should drill holes in your head to mix up the electric pathways. His takeaway: Don’t pay attention to every health fad you may hear of.  He concluded with: “Whatever you love, whatever makes you happy, is what’s going to be best for you. The healthiest lifestyles include moderation in all things, including workouts and diet, and a mental awareness of the messages your body is sending to you."

Well said AJ. Whatever improvements you want to make in 2016, if they somehow cause pain,
don't suffer I can help.
Because you don't have time for pain!
Dr. Michael Norris
HEALTH TIP: The Detox Diet
Foods that help to detoxify include: collard greens, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnips, lemons, garlic, sesame seeds and most fruits.

"If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles."
Doug Larson

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

The Holiday Season is Here- December 2015

December 2015

Hi Everybody This Is Dr. Norris.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and Happy, Happy, Happy. I think that covers everyone. As I write this newsletter I am listening to holiday songs on the radio and it is cold outside. Anyway here is some year-end trivia and reminders.

  • A traditional Christmas dinner in early England was the head of a pig prepared with mustard.
  • Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday. This tradition began in 1836.
  • During the Christmas/Hanukkah season, more than 1.76 billion candy canes will be made.
  • Hallmark introduced its first Christmas cards   in 1915, five years after the founding of the company.
  • In France, Christmas is called Noel. This is derived from the French phrase "les bonnes nouvelles," which means literally "the good news" and refers to the gospel.
  • More than three billion Christmas cards are sent annually in the United States.
During the weeks of Christmas and New Years Norris Chiropractic will be closed on Thursday, Friday and the weekend. We will be open regular hours for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

One of the more frequent questions I get from patients is "When should I come in again to have my spine checked? Remember you are in charge of your own health. So if you are in pain call right away because waiting delays the healing process and can often take longer for symptoms to resolve. If you are not in pain I recommend doing a self assessment each month when you get this newsletter. Do you feel out of balance, are you feeling stiffness or tightness, or are you just moving slower? These are signs it may be time for a spinal check.
As always if you or someone you care about
is suffering, I'm here to help.
Because you don't have time for pain!
Dr. Michael Norris

Be Careful With The Leftovers

It is estimated that 400,000 people become sick each year from eating tainted Christmas leftovers. If it looks or smells questionable throw it out. Better to be safer than sorry.

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly." ~Andy Rooney

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

It is the Time for Thankfulness- November 2015

November 2015

Hi Everybody, this is Dr. Norris.
The Fall season is in full swing. The time change finally came and we are counting the days until the end of the year. I would like to share with you some of the things I am most thankful for.
  • My family...I have a wonderful and supportive wife who puts up with my shenanigans...and a daughter who is the light of my life. They are both beautiful and give me reason for getting up each morning. If I didn't they would surely push me out of that bed!
  • My work...I have a fulfilling occupation which helps me support the above mentioned         wife and daughter.
  • My patients...The work I do, has allowed me to meet and help many amazingly loyal people and families. In over 30 years of practice the children I first saw are now bringing their own children to see me. Thanks to you all for trusting your health to me at Norris Chiropractic.
  • My friends...From my church family, other friends in Christ, BNI group friends and other acquaintances; I have been truly blessed by those around me. Thanks for your friendship.
Pumpkin the raccoon was just one month old when she was abandoned by her mother - one year later, and she's part of a whole new family. After she fell from a tree in the Bahamas - leaving her with a broken hind leg - her mother didn't return and the local shelter was unable to take her. So nearby residents Laura and William Young took her in and nursed her back to health. Within weeks, Pumpkin had formed a bond with the couple's two rescue dogs, Toffee and Oreo. Now she thinks that she is a dog. The three have a ball together. Check her out on YouTube at - Pumpkin the raccoon.

A recent research article has found people are increasingly using chiropractors for health care. Now 50% of people in the U.S. have seen a Doctor of Chiropractic for evaluation. This is up from 16% just twenty years ago. The reasons given for increased use were the lack of results with traditional medicine and not wanting to take drugs.

If you or someone you care about is suffering
with pain and they are tired of taking drugs
to hide symptoms, I'm here to help.
Let us get you back to work and play
the drug free way.
Because you don't have time for pain!
Dr. Michael Norris

When It Comes To Pain - Women Rule

Women have a higher pain threshold than men, says Jordan Metzl, M.D., a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City: “They’re more likely to push through aches, which can lead to bigger ones.” Research seems to indicate this is part of the child bearing mechanism. Let's face it in my experience if we had to rely on men suffering with 3 months of morning sickness, 7 months of back pain and a 21 hour labor we would be extinct by now.
Don’t be a hero, ladies! If you have pain, rest it and get treatment. Men if you have an “yee-ouch"... suck it up.

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything."
Arabian proverb.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations.
The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.

Some Random Thoughts for Fall- October 2015

October 2015

Hi Everybody This Is Dr. Norris.
Here are some random thoughts.
The fall is the time of year when colds and flu typically begin to appear. The weather goes from hot to cold and back again. Here are some recommendations to stay healthy during this season.

A recent study by Eric Prather, PhD at U.C. San Francisco, found that sleeping less than 6 hours a night caused a person to be 4 times more likely to come down with a cold. This is because of a decreased immune system. So don't burn that candle at both ends. 

Remember how your mother scolded you to scrub your hands with hot water and soap? She was right. Simply washing your hands throughout the day is the number one way to prevent colds and flu. Remember it needs to be hot water and soap... and scrub for more than 10 seconds... yes mom!


The fall has Halloween, Thanksgiving and Marie Callender's pie sale, so we often eat more sweets. Sugar has been shown to decrease our immune systems and increase bacterial growth. These factors can cause more sicknesses. Regular chiropractic has been shown to improve our immune systems and therefore help us fight off pathogens. So eat less sugar and see you chiropractor of a spinal checkup.

Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day can bolster your immune system. Don't use sugar or sugar based creamers. Honey and milk if you must are better. National coffee day was earlier this week... so here are some coffee facts. Half of American adults drink coffee daily, averaging 3.1 cups per day. We spend an average of $20 a week on coffee. The benefits of moderate coffee consumption are many: Decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, cardiac and Alzheimer's disease. Coffee contains beneficial antioxidants, magnesium and antibacterial compounds. So drink up.

If you or someone you care about is suffering
with pain or they want to avoid pain,
I'm here to help.
Because you don't have time for pain!
Dr. Michael Norris

Research Validates Chiropractic

When I started studying chiropractic it was considered by mainstream medicine as unscientific and unproven. Now thirty years later numerous studies have shown chiropractic care to be an effective treatment options for people in pain. Patient satisfaction surveys also indicate Doctors of Chiropractic rate high with their patients.  So tell those you love... CHIROPRACTIC WORKS!

“I don’t know if they were men or women fans running naked across the field. They had bags over their heads."
"I never said most of the things I said."

-Yogi Berra 1925-2015

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Response to care and nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.